"Dial it Back" MommyParty, sponsored by Fruit2O
As a working Mom I try to do it all. Fortunately, I have a flexible job which allows me to feed the kids a healthy dinner before taking them to their after school activities. However, being a supermom does have its price and often there is little time left for me and I'm run ragged keeping the household clean, fed and happy. I'm often reminded by my aching body to "dial it back" every now and again. One way that I dial it back is to relax and have some other mom's over for a beverage. There is nothing better than a cool flavored beverage to rejuvenate my cells and put a smile on my face.
Fruit2O offers crisp, clear water that is flavored with enough natural fruit flavor with no sugar, no calories, no carbs and no artificial flavors. We are bottled drinkers at home so this is a nice refreshing change with a little more flavor than plain water.
We received a MommyParty pack sponsored by Fruit2O and I chose to debut the drinks at my son's First Holy Communion party. We had all our guests back to our house after mass. I served meatballs and pulled pork in crockpots and ordered in wings and ribs as appetizers. The Fruit2O drinks were well receive by our families and they especially loved the coupons and drink recipe ideas that I sent home in their party favors. The new flavors, natural cucumber and lemon was a hit with family and the natural watermelon was a hit with the kids. We loved it so much that I grabbed a huge multipack from Costco. These will be great for our baseball games.
Check out the Dial it Back Facebook App.
- This lighthearted app monitors your Facebook posts and updates to create a humorous infographic dashboard, highlighting those areas in which you and your friends may want to dial back.
- Check out who's guilty of shameless sweetie mentions, from the bar broadcasting, and sports team smack talk and share the app with other friends who might need to dial it back a bit, too!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 | 7 comments | Read More