School's Out and the weather's heating up and it's a great time to stock up on all of your summer necessities from Amazon.com. CheckPoints, the #1 Lifestyle Rewards Smartphone App is giving away a $500 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky winner!
Here's a special promo for my readers - when you register for an account with CheckPoints use the code: freebiejunkie and you
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1) Download the CheckPoints App for FREE from Google Play or iTunes.
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I would buy something for each of my kids, then my husband, then finally myself, probably a kindle fire for me but who knows really.when you see all the fun stuff your mind always changes until you finally buy something
Wishlist has mostly music CDs, concert DVDs, and some games. So would start with those. Probably then buy some gifts for various good friends.
I would buy plenty...household items, food, books the list is endless...maybe save some for birthdays coming up
I would buy an ipad for my kids
I would buy some kindles for my family so we could all read together.
I would most likely buy an iPad or a new phone
I would buy a bunch of pool noodles for the pool and have a huge battle.
I would spend it on stuff for our new home. Wall hangings, picture frames, new comforter set etc :)
I would combine it with the amazon gift cards I got from a 150,000 point jackpot so I could buy a laptop or a new ps3/hd tv.
A juicer
Would use the $500 for some fun shopping on my fiancé and me.
I would get my younger sister the iPod she wanted and I would get a nice necklace that I've wanted for awhile
Birthday gift for my parent
I'd get something special for the people who sacrificed so much for me, it would be nice to have some money so I could do something special for them as a token of my gradititude
I would get my momma the kindle fire she wants!!
IPad or tablet
Summer activities for my kids!
A new DVD player!
A kindle fire!
IPod, or maybe put it towards a laptop!
I would use it for groceries and other needed household items.
CpID- mishkismom
Diapers! For my babygirl ;)
If I won I would use it on a bike and accessories(=
I'd spend it on my family...a day of shopping, eating and fun:)
I'd spend it in car parts.
I'd buy lowering springs for my car!!
I want to use to buy many great things
School stuff
I would buy camera equipment so I can capture better pictures of my son. (Casey29)
Checkpoints is awesome. Amazon $500 sweepstakes
I'll put it toward an Amazon Fire.
Thanks for the contest.
Buy a kindle or ipad
I would like to be able to get my 1 yr old some new clothes, and my wife something nice.
I would buy air soft gear and outdoor supplies
I would get my father a GPS system for his travels & Mom a back massager to help her arthritis. I'd treat myself to a new camera for fun summer family photos!
If I would win the 500.00 amazon card I would put it toward the purchase of a capresso espresso machine.
I would put it towards a new laptop!!
I would like to buy a 10x zoom.camera or an ipad
I would buy my mom a camera or a blender that she wanted.
I would take a hotel stay with my daughter and have fun
I would use the $500 gift card to buy books and fund my college education .
I would buy something for the kids- probably new IPods.
Buy a book!
I world but my Kids clothes and buy myself a portable countertop dishwasher!!!!!
If i would win the amazon gift card I would buy clothes and then donate it to a family who needs it. Also I could buy food and donate that to a soup kitchen too.
I would buy the new iPad a handy tool to help with my business
Buy a new PS3
I would purchase a Trek bike.
if i would win,i would buy a dslr camera because i have a growing passion for photography.
If I won the $500 gift card, I would use it for groceries. Money has been really tight since I became disabled.
I would use the $500 gc to get an early start on Christmas
Put it towards my own personal library!
I would buy a spa day
If I won the $500 gift card I would spend it all on books
There is a lot of stuff I would get with the gift card like a Kindle Fire.
I would buy something extravagant for my mother since she does so much for me.
I'll finally find my girlfriend a ring to propose with.
I would probably spend it on books for college or shoes.
I would get myself a nice piece of jewerly
i would get a new home theater sound ystem
I would buy an apple computer
I would buy a new computer & a laptop!!
I would purchase books and supplies for going back to school which I hope to do as soon as I save enough money to do so!
I would buy an iPad with the $500 amazon gift card
I would spend it on a new TV
If I were to win a $500 gift card for Amazon it would probably be spent on textbooks and apartment necessities!
I would buy my boyfriend an amazing present because I haven't got him much and he gets me things all the time and never gets anything in return because I don't have the money to get him anything exspensive an nice.
I would use the gift card to decorate our bathroom. We are moving this weekend and are in dire need of new towels.
Buy stuff
if I won this amazon card I would use it to buy my college books and/or supplies! then if I have any extra money left I would spoil myself with some earings :)
i would buy so much makeup! and products to help me make more soap, i always by my glycerin from amazon.
I would buy my daughter a twin bed. She is 6 and still in a toddler bed. I feel bad but money is that tight
I would by stuff for my girls and the house
I would buy my mom an e-reader since reading is her favorite thing but she doesn't have one
I would buy an Xbox 360 or ps3 or maybe an apple tv.
I would buy a bike for myself so I can get to work without spending money on gas!!!
So many things I need this price will give me a good start
My ex just moved my daughter 1300 miles away, so I would buy my daughter a laptop so we could video chat on Skype or some other application.
I would buy computer components to build my fist computer.
I would buy a new computer or an iPad.
I would buy a new iPad with my $500 Amazon gift card.
I would buy a new tv with my amazon gift card
I would use it to take me hubby in a trip. He deserves it after a transplant!
Hope to buy a iPad
I would buy as many books as possible, of course after I buy I few things for friends and family.
I would buy an iPad
I would buy an ipad
Would definitely use it to buy my daughters the twin over full bunk bed they have been begging me for! And the new bedding they want to go with it.
I love this site I hope I Winn the amazon GC
I would like to buy a new Tv for my bedroom I am stil have analog Tv it will be great to have a new one
Would love a silkscreen kit for my buisness
This gift card would be a blessing. My refrigerator is broken, car is brokedown, oven doesn't work, computer is on it's way out, and I have been wearing clothes that dont fit for 3 years because I cannot afford new ones. Maybe $500 could help towards a refrigerator, or computer, or a car part. There are too many things I can't afford to really pick one.
Would love to win this! :)
I would love to win this gift card from Amazon! It would buy a lot of Christmas gifts for the family.
I would buy beat headphones
I would spend the $ 500.00 gift card from Amazon.com that, I win in CheckPoints on a new Office Computer Desk. Thanks CheckPoints.com
I would spend it all on my grandchildren!
I would buy school supplies for me and my brother. Money is tight so it's hard for my parents to get us what we want
I would buy my college Textbooks for a semester and any left over gc money I'd buy my girlfriend a 1 year anniversary present!
I would surprise my husband with it. I am sure it will ease his mind about me being pregnant lol!
I would buy new shoes for work and maybe a DVR.
If I won this would go towards a new guitar that my best friend wants to follow we dreams of becoming a musician.
I would use some of it for a bunch of books on my kindle. (kirc0109 at umn.edu)
I would spend it on food and clothes!
Thank You!
Who won?
Still waiting to hear who won. I helped promote the giveaway and would like to let readers know. Thank you!
Okay ... I guess I can forget about publishing and sharing a winner.
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