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The Art of Marriage Ops $20 Applebee Gift Card #giveaway #marriageops

My husband and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary this coming June : )

While we are happily married with two beautiful children, I wouldn't say marriage is easy or even parenting but we are both committed to our family and our love and that helps us through the trials and tribulations!  My husband and I had a long distance relationship for 3 years during our courtship, however, I can't imagine what it would be like to have a spouse serving in the military overseas for an extended period.  I'm sure it takes its toll for both partners.
The Art of Marriage Ops is an outreach to help military families strengthen their marriages when they return home from service.  It equips military couples with The Art of Marriage DVD series. This proven program has shown to both strengthen marriages and prevent divorce by providing simple, effective insights for helping couples to cultivate a healthy and happy relationship.
Check out the app below, you'll find out more regarding The Art of Marriage Ops and also find five date ideas! Share this with your friends too. 

If you are interested in giving back consider donating by texting the word OPS to 80888 and donate $10.00 to help our men and women in the military strengthen their marriage by attending an event showcasing The Art of Marriage! Less than the price of two cups of coffee! 
(1) lucky reader will win a $20 Applebees Gift Card.  Simply enter to win through the rafflecopter form below.  Giveaway ends March 12th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: A giveaway was provided to me in exchange for my honest review. The opinions and thoughts expressed are my own. I received no other compensation for my review nor was I under any obligation to give a positive review.

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Allie Lanc said:

I like going to dinner and a movie or bowling!

Andrea said:

oh I would love to win this! Thanks!

Andrea said:

date night, which doesnt happen very often, would be dinner and a movie or a concert!

Alison Y said:

Date night...Anything that gives my husband and I a chance to talk and spend time together without interruption. Eating out is always a favorite although we can rarely afford it. :)

Elena said:

We like to go out for dinner

eclairre said:

out to dinner!

kjasus said: kids!

Michele said:

date night always includes dinner out

Mami2jcn said:

I'm entering on the rafflecopter with my Facebook username Mary Happymommy. I follow you in GFC under Mami2jcn and I subscribe with mami2jcn at gmail dot com.

I like spending a date night at home watching a video.

sindy murray said:

movie, cooking together and wine!
smlionlamb at gmail dot com

MamaStace said:

I like to spend date night having a nice dinner out to eat somewhere


Carmen said:

A great date night would be movie, then going to the theater or something like that :)

Ashley H said:

we like to take dancing classes! thanks!

Anonymous said:

dinner and a movie

karin56381 (at)

Janice said:

I like dinner and a movie. I follow via GFC as disneyfan40

Kristen said:

I like to go out to a play at our local playhouse, or just stay home and cook dinner together.

tristatecruisers said:

Dinner and a movie sounds nice :)

marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

cjabdelnour said:

I like dinner and a movie. Cheryl

June L said:

I love getting good food and playing video games or watching movies with my husband.

latanya t said:

a very nice dinner

Anonymous said:

Would love to go to dinner with my husband, with 3 kids we don't get out too often.

Unknown said:

I like going out to a nice dinner and then a movie

Barker's Momma said:

We like to spend date night with a nice dinner, some shopping & quiet time together to reconnect & bond.

ziggy28028 at yahoo dot com

Barbara Montag said:

We like to order in our favorite Chinese & watch a good new release DVD.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said:

GFC name - Barbara Montag

wizardewu said:

I like to go to a dinner in a nice restaurant and see a show.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said:
This comment has been removed by the author.
♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said:

with the hubs going out for dinner :)

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

simplymerry said:

dinner and a movie. :)
(mary michaud)

lisagee1234 said:

The usual dinner and movie. But if we were zillionaires we would hop on over in a private plane to Paris France and do the town right!

mahnrafjtb said:

Our date nights usually include getting take out and coming home and snuggling watching a movie on tv.

Howell said:

We usually have dinner out and then see a movie.
hlee99 at gmail dot com

Lauren said:

We like to make dinner and watch movies

Anonymous said:

I like to spend date night with my wife doing just about ANYTHING.
going out to eat... movie theater... DVD @ home... whatever...
Find a sleepover for our kids and just be US.

Anonymous said:

"Follow me on Pinterest"
The clickable link appears to be broken/mis-configured.

Cheryl said:

Dinner and a movie is our go-to date. We usually go to a nice restaurant.

Christine said:

I like to find an activity we both enjoy - even if it's sitting on the couch watching a movie.

isabelli3619 {at} aol {dot} com

Allison Downes said:

I would love to go dancing and have a romantic dinner!

Mare/TommyGirl said:

I love to spend date night curled up on the sofa, watching a good movie.

Larissa McLaughlin said:

Dinner and a movie sounds boring, but when I'm with my sweeties it's the most fun!

Charity and John said:

Casino night.
Primabee at hotmail dot com

Anash said:

we spend date night reading! Thanks for a super giveaway!
My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anash said:

I follow on google connect as "anash"
Thanks for this giveaway
anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Julie Lynn Bickham said:

Just a nice dinner and time alone would be a great date night for me!

Anonymous said:

A nice dinner and a movie would be nice. Then even better, when we got home, no XBOX! lol

Jenny Scarborough said:

We don't get many date nights, normally only once or twice a year! But we end up going out to dinner and a movie :) It's just nice to get those little breaks when possible.

Unknown said:

using a gift certificate that I bought on even on date night I can't stand to pay too much. LOL

Tracy said:

I don't have a preference what we do. So long as I have QT with my hubby, I'm happy.
Tracy Awalt Juliano

Unknown said:

We don't get but a couple a year if we are lucky, so date night usually is either a rock concert or an arcade. Yes, we are nerds. lol

Jessica T. said:

I like a quiet dinner that I don't have to cook!

Lori's Place said:

Dinner and a movie!

beautytolove said:

I like to go out to a nice dinner

Email: starseeds88 (at) yahoo dot com

beautytolove said:

-I'm Subscribed to You with this Email: aliaskys (at) yahoo dot com

Shelley Paige said:

on the couch in his arms with a fire

davsmommy-24 at yahoo dot com

Penny Kathleen said:

I like going out to a nice dinner then coming home and cuddling in bed with a good movie!

Cheryl Free said:

We like to spend date night with dinner and a movie ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Jackie said:

I like to go out to dinner

Jackie said:

I entered the Pound Puppies giveaway

Unknown said:

I haven't eaten out in so long I can't remember! Maybe last August or September. This would be a rea; treat!
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com

Michele N said:

Dinner and a movie

shelly sawicki lash neuhouser

crystal said:

Dinner and a movie

Lawrence McMillan said:

Would love to win!

sa-weet said:

dinner & walk

yamilet cubias said:

My Hubby and i rarely get to go on dates so when we do we take a whole day and go to dinner, concert, and rent a hotel and come back next day we do this every 3 months. :) Keeps our relationship fresh and renewed. -

Dr. Dr. Alan said:

dinner and a walk with the dogs and my cat

Unknown said:

weekend getaway, but it rarely happens:(

Kristin Aquariann said:

I like going to happy hour at a local sushi restaurant, and then heading home to curl up on the couch and catch up on DVR.

polly said:

we go out to dinner every friday night

Jennifer Hall said:

I'm happy with a beer and a pool table!!

1porkchop said:

We generally go for a long walk to get some fresh air away from the house

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