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Review & Giveaway: $25 Gift Card to Eden Fantasys

 The Freebie Junkie is a family orientated site, the following review and giveaway is written to add some fun this Valentine's day to you and yours.

Please note the EdenFantasys link is not suitable to be viewed at work or if your children are close by.  Please do not open the link if you are not 18 or older or are sensitive to not so family orientated products.

What does Valentine's Day mean to you?  For me its a hallmark holiday i.e. a day where the sentiments get lost among the gift buying and spending just because Valentine's Day is thrown in our face everywhere we go.  Don't get me wrong I love being taken out to dinner by hubby and roses sent to my work but I don't think that it should happen all on one day - it should be spontaneous because thats when you know that someone really cares and not just following the trend.

For example, on Chinese New Year last week I received red roses at work.  I was totally not expecting this at all and when I got the call from the front desk I was just grinning from ear to ear.  Was it that secret admirer or my hubby?  It was from hubby : ) the reason why I say secret admirer is not because I have one but because my husband doesn't usually buy me flowers except for occasions such as my birthday or anniversaries but for him to send them to me out of the blue is just so exciting and tells me he cares.  We're approaching our tenth year of marriage this June and after two kids, busy work and kids schedules its hard to keep the romance up and its little spontaneous things like that, which takes me back to our courting days.  Take the time to reconnect with your loved one with some fun products from EdenFantasys

Create ambience in the bedroom with candles
Have some good clean fun with Bath & Body Gift Sets

or indulge yourself with some lingerie

Check EdenFantasys out and see what you can find for you and your significant other.  I like the feature where you can choose certain price ranges to fit your budget. 

One (1) Lucky Freebie Junkie winner will win a $25 GC to EdenFantasys.  Simply enter to win through the rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This giveaway was provided by Eden Fantasys for the purpose of my honest review.  All opinions are of my own, others may vary.


jenniewisser said:

I agree... the best are the surprises! I got flowers last week for no reason. Love it!

Jackie said:

I like when he takes me out to dinner

Debbie Bishop said:

The best gift was a diamond heart necklace when we were first married. I still wear it!

Julie Lynn Bickham said:

The best valentines gift was a heart shaped ring with my birthstone in it.

April G said:

My favorite gift was a small diamond stud necklace, a few years after we'd begun dating, because he wasn't ready to get married yet but knew I wanted a diamond. ;)

Wild N Mild $$$ said:

My favorite gift is a box of chocolates.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said:

This year my husband is taking me to Cirque Du Soleil Micheal Jackson Immortal World Tour on Feb 25! That's my Valentine's present! I'm so excited!


cjabdelnour said:

Flowers! Cheryl

eclairre said:

I like assorted chocolates & Flowers!

Mare/TommyGirl said:

I just love when I know he's listening and will do something randomly nice - like he picked up Captain America and watched it with me after listening to me talk about it. I'm not really traditionally romantic so it's these things that work for me.

Tara said:

The best gifts are the surprise / unexpected ones. However, he bought me a gorgeous necklace with diamnonds and my son's birthstone. It was a surprise.

Rachelle J said:

Mine was my engagement ring i received on valentines day 2 years ago :)

Kristen said:

My favorite gift was a weekend away at a nice hotel.

Diddlepoyner said:

I got a diamond necklace!! Best thing is that I didn't even have to give a hint.

nicole said:

I love getting something that I said I wanted/needed months ago, he is really listening! :)

Kasee said:

I asked for a new iPod nano for Christmas and my hubby got me an iPad instead. Best. Gift. Ever. And I thought I'd HATE reading "fake" books, but ereaders are awesome!

Anonymous said:

A whole bunch of little things that he knew that I wanted and needed...that was the best gift ever!
radeeolover at yahoo dot com

golb232 said:

Closest thing I have to a SO is my dog. Sad isn't it?

Barbara Tryon said:

A beautiful ring!!!

Emillie Rose said:

jewelry :)

JD Blosser said:


polly said:

i loved my diamond eternity necklace from my husband

JR Pickett (Vicki Vix) said:

I don't have a s/o at the moment. The best gift from my last S/o, with whom I broke up last April, was a beautiful set of black flowers- I think they were actually such a deep purple that they looked black; it was their natural colour though, not a dye job. They were gorgeous, and also unexpected which made it even better.
fromfurrin at gmail dot com

stacey said:

love the thoughtful homemade things even the cards when he forgets to buy one

tweetyscute said:

My husband surprised me with a trip to Boston and we had the best time.

Theresa J

Moggie said:

My favorite gift would be something I can keep with me that reminds me of them.. like jewelry :)

Jennifer Hall said:


Anita Yancey said:

My favorite gift was an Opal inlayed butterfly necklace.

Angela said:

I know this is simple but I adore it when he gives me different flowers, not just roses.

ababe28 said:

I like to be taken out to dinner!
ababe28 (AT) hotmail dot com
Ann B.

Kirsten Nasserisina said:

My favorite gift was a gold bracelet with hearts.

Unknown said:

The sweetest gift he has given me is my engagement ring, he could not afford to buy one when we got married, he bought me getting it.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Katie said:

My favorite gifts are my favorite flowers when I'm having a bad day. It always cheers me up.

Karen H. said:

Diamond stub earring

Kim said:

A hand written letter about how he loves me.

Rebekah said:

My favorite gift from my significant other is a homemade card with a letter inside and my favorite candies.

Kaye said:

When he really puts thought into it. Like while I was (very) pregnant, for my b'day he gave me a foot soak bath and foot massager because I was on my feet all day at work and they would swell terribly. He's quite a thoughtful guy.

Anonymous said:

my favorite gift from my hubby is his love

Sarah MomE25 said:

he recently bought me a new washer and dryer with the tax money. As much as I hate laundry-- I really love my new washer and dryer.

Erin said:

I don't have a significant other so I don't have a favorite gift. =o(

Helen said:

my flat iron

Beth R said:

I would say the surprises are the best too! Honestly just anything where we get away to ourselves
email subscriber at bethany333 at hotmail dot com

dv8 said:

Surprise backrubs.

Erin said:

I love DVDs. Not very romantic, but it works for me!

heather smith said:


TonyaHopkins said:

on form as Tonya Extine-Hopkins

A ring when we were dating

Theresa said:

My favorite ones are the ones that are a surprise. It doesn't matter what it is!

Giveaway Gal said:


nataliaellin said:


Shelley Paige said:


Anonymous said:

My fiance bought me a charm bracelet that i had been wanting for over a yr and it wasnt expensive.... amy miller

johnsmom said:

A good book and if he watches the kids so I can read it!

macho99 said:

30 minutes of wii time everyday. :D

Jenny S said:

I got a suprise box of chocolates today that was really unexpected, so that's my favorite for right now at least :)

Heather R said:

Breakfast in bed!

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