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Purex Ultrapacks Detergent Free Coupon #Giveaway (3 Winners)

I'm not a big laundry fan!  I do about 3-4 loads a week - its probably small compared to some households but still all that laundry folding and putting away stuff just doesn't get done by itself.  So anything to make laundry work a little easier is good for me!  Purex recently launched the Ultrapacks detergent and I was lucky enough to review them. Read my review on the new Purex UltraPacks Detergent.  Its so easy, just pop one pack in the detergent slot and thats it!
Go try some today, in my opinion its a great price for convenience using the same Purex action.

You can check out all the latest Purex products via the web as well as get updates on Facebook and Twitter

Don't forget to enter to win some Purex Detergent coupons here


(3) Lucky Freebie Junkie Winners will each win a Coupon to be redeemed for a free Purex UltraPacks detergent.  Simply enter to win through the rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I was provided a free coupons of Purex UltraPacks Detergent in exchange for a giveaway and my honest review.  However, all of the opinions expressed here are of my own, others opinions may vary.


Candie L said:

I probably wash at least 10 loads a day. Thank you


eclairre said:

Like 15x per week!

slehan said:

two every two weeks.
Thanks for the contest.

BethElderton said:

Now that I no longer have teenagers at home--about 4 per week including sheets.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Julie Lynn Bickham said:

I do about 4 loads a week.

monicaandrew said:

i do around 3 loads of laundry a week

evie said:


gfc evie

Lori said:

Way too many loads of wash! About 14-20!!

La Nora said:

I do 5 to 6 loads a week!

evie said:

i may do abt 2-3 depends on how many clothes i wear or how many times my 3 4legged girls mess up....

Ariel said:

I do around 3 loads of laundry a week.

Jackie said:

I'm not sure how many loads I do a week. Seems I'm doing laundry every day.

Allison Downes said:

We do 7-10 loads per week

Tamara B. said:

I do about four loads a week

PAFM1964 said:

I can do from 4 to 8 loads a week.

Anonymous said:

I do 6 loads a week
Amanda S

Andrea said:

I usually do 4-5 loads a week.

Mare/TommyGirl said:

We do about 3-4 loads of laundry a week most of te time. Every few weeks there are probably 3 more for sheets and such.

Amy Orvin said:

6-7 a week

Amy Orvin said:

GFC Follower as Amy Orvin

Anonymous said:

probably 4 loads- ugh
tcogbill at live dot com

Unknown said:

A week? Probably between 5 and 7

dull2000 at cox dot net

sindy murray said:

I try to wash one load a day.
smlionlamb at gmail dot com

Guardchic7789 said:

5 loads a week!

stevefull39 said:


Charity and John said:

5 loads per week.
primabee at hotmail dot com

Kim said:

I do 3 to 4 loads a week. It is just my husband and I.

Kim said:

I do 3 to 4 loads a week. It is just my husband and I.

♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said:

I do 6-8 loads per week
Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Moggie said:

I live alone so I only do 1 load a week or so.

Unknown said:

Thanks for the chance!!

Abe n Annie said:

I do 4 or 5!

jay said:

We do at least 6 loads a week.

Annmarie Weeks said:

I do about 10 loads a week. My daughter's swim towels add so much more to the laundry!

Sherry said:

I do about 6 loads a week.

Sarah MomE25 said:

About 10-15

Jeanna said:

I usually do about 4 loads a week.

Donna George said:

I do about 6 loads a week

Unknown said:

I do about 10-15 a week. Thanks for the opportunity.

Gricelda said:

About 4 loads per week.

Anonymous said:

3-4 loads per week


Elena said:

2-3 loads a week

elena150980 at yahoo com

anastaciagrace said:

Six, one every day (except Sunday)

lisagee1234 said:

just one a week

AJ said:

6-10 depending on what I am washing.
iheartcoupons4 at
amanda joy

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