We are Thankful for our Readers
and we would love for you to win some Cash for your Valentine's Date Night
The Freebie Junkie and many other fabulous bloggers are offering (1) reader the chance to win $300 in our Valentine's Date Night Cash Giveaway Event
The cash giveaway is open to all worldwide and will be paid directly into your paypal account
What would you do with $300?
Splurge on a weekend getaway?
Splurge on a new wardrobe? Spend a day at the spa?
Splurge on a babysitter and dinner with significant other?
Check out the generous bloggers involved in this event
Sonya's Happenings
The Mama Report
Callista's Ramblings
The Frugal Dietitian
About a Mom
Keenly Kristin
The Mama Report
Callista's Ramblings
The Frugal Dietitian
About a Mom
Keenly Kristin
Retail Therapy Lounge
Misadventures with Andi
Diva Fabulosa
Mommy's Coupon Train
To Sew With Love
Family and Life in Las Vegas
MI Savings Mama
Momma Knows Best
Woven by Words
We Have It All
Our Kids Mom
The Penny-Wise Mama
Tatum's Family Reviews
{Not Quite} Susie Homemaker
Grinning Cheek to Cheek
Happenings of the Harper Household
Mom and More
The GiveAway Car
Rockin' Deals
Joy Of Momma Joyner
Libby's Library
Mina Slater - Fab Awesomeness
jbmthinks sportsparenting
Travel Mommy
Shopaholic Mommy
Misadventures with Andi
Diva Fabulosa
Mommy's Coupon Train
To Sew With Love
Family and Life in Las Vegas
MI Savings Mama
Momma Knows Best
Woven by Words
We Have It All
Our Kids Mom
The Penny-Wise Mama
Tatum's Family Reviews
{Not Quite} Susie Homemaker
Grinning Cheek to Cheek
Happenings of the Harper Household
Mom and More
The GiveAway Car
Rockin' Deals
Joy Of Momma Joyner
Libby's Library
Mina Slater - Fab Awesomeness
jbmthinks sportsparenting
Travel Mommy
Shopaholic Mommy

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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Hubby and I love to go out to eat and (when we can agree on it) a movie!
Dinner and movies!
Dinner and movies!
Go to dinner then the movie
Dinner! Put if I won this we'd so get a nite at a nice hotel that has a jacuzzi!
we go out to dinner
we typically go to dinner and a movie
Going out to dinner and a movie is our usual routine. Sometimes it is a night of going out to dinner with other couples and then out for a night on the town.
We like to go Geocaching!
dinner and a movie....but with this $$ I'd come up with something bigger and better!
couponqueen0250 at yahoo dot com
Dinner and a movie
radeeolover at yahoo dot com
We like to go to a movie.
Thanks for the change to win and for what all of you do everday to help wonmen around the world.
We like to go out to dinner and have a drink, just sit back and relax!
We like to go to dinner.
Thank you!
We'd go to a nice dinner and use the rest to pay down our credit cards (how romantic).
just a quiet dinner by the fireplace
I like to go out to dinner on date night, and come home and talk to my husband, have a glass of wine, maybe sit by the fire and talk until the early morning hours!
Dinner and a movie!!! This would be perfect for our date set in Feb! :)
Dinner and a Movie and use the rest to pay on the bills
the classic ..dinner and a movie
twitted this
dinner and drinks
Long lingering romantic dinner for date night. oooh la la
dinner and movie
We usually just do dinner and a movie, but we want to try and go to a museum or play soon.
I love to go to dinner and a movie.
going out to dinner and having a great conversation, walking holding hands, laying my head on his shoulder at the movies with his arm around me
When we get the chance which isn't often, we go to a movie.
Going out to dinner and a great movie is a wonderful date nite for us when we get the chance to do it.
I like to go out to dinner and a movie dguillen at kc dot rr dot com
Dinner and a movie
I'd buy the ingredients for the home cooked dinner I'm making for her and her gift
Cook lasagna and garlic bread
Hubby and I just had a unique date night as his birthday gift. We took a couples cooking class which was such a great time!
elkmeese at gmail dot com
Seafood dinner and a movie :)
We usually go out to dinner and rent a movie.
On a first date I like to just go for a walk and drink coffee
Outback Steakhouse and a movie tavern such as Alamo Draft House.
My husband and I haven't been on a date in years. We use to go to dinner and then go where ever the night took us.
btjfarnham at yahoo dot com
Bowling in winter, mini-golf in summer.
We like dinner and a movie or game nights with friends.
Primabee at hotmail dot com
I like dinner and a movie.
Dinner and drinks out on the town.
katie at coverbutton dot net
We like to have a special dinner.
we are blessed to live by the beach so an awesome nite is dinner & a walk or drive along the beach.
i like going out for dinner
Love to go out to dinner and movie, tracietrump@yahoo.com
Dinner and a movie
My husband and I like to go out to a nice restaurant and maybe for some drinks afterward.
We like to go to see a show -- musicals are our favorite.
We love to go bowling and out to eat.
crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net
Allison Lancaster
Going the away for the weekend, dressing nice out for a romantic dinner and dessert.
go to a museum & a cafe
My wife and I love to go to Red Lobster, but have been unable to due to various reasons. Would Love to go there and take in a movie.
Time alone with my husband AND $300?! Wow! That would be amazing!
My hubby and I usually do dinner & a movie (as long as there's a movie out that we want to see)
we like to go out and shop for a bit,go eat have a drink and then a movie.dont get to do it much but when we do it is so great.
we like to go to dinner, and then a movie. sometimes I can even get in a mushy romantic movie.
Well it has been a while but going out to dinner
Romantic dinner at home.
take my honey out to a nice dinner
Dinner and movie without our kids :)
date night? What's that? About the closest I get is when an old friend comes to town. We generally go to dinner.
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
dinner and a movie
Movies then a romantic restraunt.
Dinner and a movie, at home.
Dinner and a musical or play.
i go out and have dinner and then come home and see a movie
My fav thing to do on a date night is go out to eat, and rent a movie to watch at home. I'd much rather watch a movie at home than in theaters. More relaxing and enjoyable
dinner and a movie
I usually go to dinner and a movie
definitely dinner & a movie if we can afford it...otherwise we window shop & have dinner.
jeanlynd at att dot net
I love dinner and a movie but usually at home.
Romantic Dinner, play some darts, dancing and karaoke! I love it all get the best of everything. Romantic, playful and spontenous! KarenLynn Austin
I do not have google or twitter account only fb but thanks for the wonderful giveaway! karenlynn austin
splurge on a weekend getaway!
Dinner is about as far as we get to go. BUT if I win this getting sitter for the night and going away for the night maybe two:)
only have facebook too...thnks for awesome giveaway!!
Well im classy, so i love to go out eat, and walk around or go see a movie.
Dinner & a movie.
dinner and a movie
well, seeing that is is my Birthday on Valentine's Day, it would really be a blowout dinner and a concert night.
A movie really calms me!
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
dinner and casino or a movie
I would love to take my Husband to the Cheese Cake Factory for a great dinner for Valentines day.
We usually go out for dinner and send our daughter for a sleepover at her grandparents.
I actually like to give a gift of a spa and massage
Indian food!
thank you for doing this cash giveaway. I would actually take my husband on a weekend getaway.
rubber duckie!!!!
I'm a single mom so i'll go on a dinner date with my kids
We like to go to the movies and dinner for regular nights out...on special occasions we like to go to a musical :)
dinner and a movie(with popcorn!)
a nic dinner out with mt hubby and my son and future wife>>a great night out with close family and then maybe see a great band (friends of ours)
Dinner - preferably fondue, if it's an extra special night - then out to a show!
as long as it's just me and hubby and NO children around. I consider that a date.
Dinner with great wines.
Actually we have never celebrated v-day with a date night!! it would be a first and we have been married for 6 years this February and been together for 10 years.. sad i know!! lol
We are semi empty nesters so We like to stay home and watch an old movie while eating dinner, usually take-out.
Dinner out! Lori Davis
A movie!
food and a movie.
Dinner and a movie work for me!
Dinner, Movie, something special for US!
Dinner and a movie :)
Since we live less than an hour from St Augustine, we would go spend the night at a bed & breakfast on the bay front.
My hubby and I love to go out to eat then to a movie if there is one playing that we want to see or we rent a movie from Redbox and watch it together at home while kids are with Grandparents.
Dinner and salsa dancing! Woo Hoo!! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Victoria Reyna
We would take my mother in law out to a nice dinner because her birthday is on valentines day. :)
I would take my wife out to dinner and then go home and watch a movie together. Then we would settle in for a romantic evening.
Arthur. highwayman99c@Aol.com
Our typical night out is dinner and a movie, maybe the symphony. Would be nice to have the cash to do more!
A favorite date night is maybe a stroll through the museum or going to the theater and then a nice quiet dinner. But I could be just as happy with a favorite dinner at home then curling up with a good movie.
We find a babysitter and go out to dinner and walk around either our favorite store or the mall. Kid free time is priceless when you hardly get it.
On date night we usually do dinner and then dancing:)
We usually treat ourselves to a nice dinner out!
My valentines day would be perfect with an expensive dinner and a movie (The Vow.
candlelight dinner near
Dinner & live music
We don't have a "typical" date night. My husband and I take turns picking every other week and so we have lots of different kinds of date nights.
We like to go out for a nice dinner and a movie. In the summer we like to go for ice cream.
Susan Chester
There is this awesome place called Past Tense in Michigan, its actually a huge craft and decor shop but they have it decorated for every holiday with a small place to get food next door, we love to go there and pick each other knick knacks. It brings out the playful side in us plus we get to enjoy delicious apple cider after!
dinner and watching a movie
a leisurely dinner is tops
Something fun and exciting like trying a new hobby!
Cinema and <3
the last date we went on we went to shenanigans and had a blast riding go cart, playing laser tag, and putt putt golf
Usually the typical dinner and a movie thing.
A fancy dinner out or a homemade gourmet dinner we cook together
i like to eat a special home-cooked meal then snuggle with my wife on the couch and watch a movie
I love going to dinner, then coming back home and cuddling on the couch to watch a movie.
Lindsay Hobbs
I love a nice quiet dinner and then a movie at home :)
I would love to have a date night it's been sooooo long.
My husband likes to go out to eat for a night out. Then we might go for a drive. This would be great to win. Thanks so much for this giveaway.
Deb Kovac - couponmaster11
my husband and I like to go out for a meal and then a movie
dinner and a movie. Cheryl cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
well Valentines day is on a Tuesday here in New Zealand - so it won't be a late night .....
Have a yummy dinner of salad, cous cous and fish - go for a walk along Matheson Bay beach , watch the moon come up and snuggle .....
Go for wine and dine with my hubby
Kids go to grandma's & we go to the movies :)
Dinner somewhere yummy so we can drink wine and catch up!
We don't have date nights :(
We like to make dinner together and then have a beer while watching one of our favorite shows.
We like to make dinner together and then have a beer while watching one of our favorite shows.
My husband and I like to go out to dinner & a movie!
Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at yahoo dot com
Our usual routine is to order a pizza and get a movie from redbox
High heels so I can kiss my extremely tall husband without the 'kissing' stool :)
We go to the movies and out to dinner
On the last one my hubby suprised me with a romantic picnic.
We don't seem to get a true date night more than once a month (and sometimes every other month), so we try to make it special by going to a really nice, romantic restaurant. Most of the time we end up back at home after that, but sometimes we go to a movie or somewhere to listen to live music.
Go to dinner...
We are a long-distance couple, so we play video games on our date nights!
My boyfriend is in a band and i would love to see him play live on Valentine's Day!!
My hubby and I love to go out for dinner and a movie. 300 bucks would go a looong way!
We love the standard dinner & a movie! With $300, we can go to the Melting Pot!!! ;)
not that we get to often- go out for dinner and see a movie ( we have to go out of town for this) with $300 i could pay for food, petrol, movie and a babysitter for my 2 under 2.
a nice dinner out
Love dinner and movies!
I love to go to dinner and a movie with my hubby.
I love when my husband and I go on a romantic dinner together.
hubby passed will go to red lobster with best friend, share the love
We order in and watch tv :) with 3 little ones and no babysitter in our town we make it work.
we are saving for a down payment on a house so we will stay at home for valentines day and if we win, we will put this towards our down payment as well
nice dinner out. we are on a tight budget and dont get to do date nights.
Our typical date night would be dinner and ice cream. =)
Dinner, movie and ice cream!
We like to go to a favorite restaurant of ours.
Date night is normally dinner and maybe listening to live music or dancing.
Haven't had a date night in years but my idea of a date night would be a nice dinner with dancing afterward. Maybe a movie if the night was still young
Date night is getting out of the house for a nice dinner and maybe a movie afterwards.
We love to go to dinner and cinema.
ro20del at yahoo.com
Dinner at a piano bar and dancing. =)
We enjoy taking another couple along for a movie and some great food.
Dinner,movie and i have to shop to,hubby is used to it now ! Ashley W wildsashley at yahoo.com
Going to an observatory or play and then dinner!
dinner and a movie...maybe gambling at the casino.
Nachos at our favorite sports bar!
jdcutler429 at aol.com
Jill C.
Movie and dinner at home.
iheartcoupons4 at gmail.com
dinner and a movie!
dinner and a movie
Dinner and a movie
movie, dinner , maybe food shopping
A date night includes a movie and dinner in a new place we've never tried before, but nothing fancy, the more casual the better.
We love to go out for dinner and dessert.
Dinner and a Movie.
Dinner the usual.
Thanks for the giveaway...date night is usually a movie & dinner, or drinks at a club with friends.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Brian E.
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