Inbox Dollars

Blog Archive

Come Enter the $500 Target Gift Card Giveaway (1/4-1/18)

I have teamed up with a group of blogs to start out the new year with a bang. We are giving away $500 in Target Gift Cards to one lucky person!

Please note you only need to enter the rafflecopter form once on any of the participating blogs as we all will have the same form. The giveaway is open to both US & Canada.  I know Canada doesn't have Target *yet*, but I didn't want to exclude my Canadian readers.  You can always bring them with you for some cross-border shopping!  The giveaway ends on January 18, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST.  Good Luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Kim said:

7on a Shoestring Google+ goes to Dear Crissy

Stacey Brucale said:

I just wanted to let you know that the link for 7 on a shoestring's Google+ does not open to the right page.

Spinout209 said:

Good luck to everyone!

Kathy Davis said:

Facebook name: Kathy newsom Davis

Kathy Davis

******************************************* said:

Awesome giveaway...good luck to everyone!
Facebook name: Joni Wilson Lackey

Amanda Ward said:

I would love to spend 500 in target

Anonymous said:

Thanks for the opportunity to win this; I could really use it.

Grace Campbell said:

Thanks for the opportunity to win the Target gift card.

Unknown said:

Thanks to all the bloggers hosting this giveaway. I have connected with some new blogs that are absolutely amazing.

barb hunt said:

Thanks for the great contest!

Anonymous said:

Hope I win

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