Mare S (confirmed)
Didn't win? Don't worry here's a list of all my open giveaways!
Be in it to WIN IT
Glow Crazy Glove Ends 12/5
2 Memory Foam Pillows Ends 12/5
Target $75 egift Card Ends 12/9
Lovable Labels Holly Jolly Gift Pack Ends 12/11
Lakeshore Learning $25 Gift Certificate Ends 12/12
These fabulous giveaways are OPEN TOO

2 Memory Foam Pillows Ends 12/5
Target $75 egift Card Ends 12/9
Lovable Labels Holly Jolly Gift Pack Ends 12/11
Lakeshore Learning $25 Gift Certificate Ends 12/12
These fabulous giveaways are OPEN TOO

Please register for giveaways and ensure an active email account is visible so I can contact you to claim your prize - ensure you enter carefully - read up here. Keep checking your spam folder - emails will come from addictedtofreebies at gmail dot com