Time to Enter some Giveaways!
Windex Prize Pack - Ends 11/8
Step2H Pedometer Giveaway Ends 11/14
Farm Rich Free Coupon Giveaway (3 winners) Ends 11/14

Thankful Paypal $250 Cash Giveaway - Ends 11/18
$60 Inspired Jewelry Ends 11/21
Tiny Prints 50 Holiday Cards Ends 11/21
Curious George Hardcover Books Ends 11/28
Headchefs Kids Cookbooks Ends 11/28

Thankful Paypal $250 Cash Giveaway - Ends 11/18
$60 Inspired Jewelry Ends 11/21
Tiny Prints 50 Holiday Cards Ends 11/21
Curious George Hardcover Books Ends 11/28
Headchefs Kids Cookbooks Ends 11/28
And always more giveaways to come....
Please register for giveaways and ensure an active email account is visible so I can contact you to claim your prize - ensure you enter carefully - read up here. Keep checking your spam folder - emails will come from addictedtofreebies at gmail dot com
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