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Aveeno Positively Radiant Eye Illuminator Review & Giveaway

When I get asked for ID while buying wine I always think of the number 18.  I'm not sure why as I'm not 18 but I do look young for my age and I give credit to my Mum and her genes.  However, several nights of staying up late recently has taken its toll on my morning face (puffy eyes).  No I haven't been up partying all night long- that has been a thing of the past after having kids - I'm talking about staying up late blogging freebie deals or being up because your child has sneaked in the middle of the night asking you to take them to the potty.

I'm an Aveeno/Recycle Bank Brand Ambassador and I was recently sent an Aveeno Positively Radiant Eye Illuminator for review.  I'm an Aveeno fan anyway so to receive a product specifically for my eyes is wonderful.  The eye illuminator contains an exclusive combination of active naturals total soy complex boosted with tone evening vitamin B3 and light-diffusing technology to rejuvinate natural radiance.

I liked the unique brush applicator which makes for a more gentle application than your fingers.  The lotion was really subtle and soothing and not overpowering in fragrance felt good on my puffy eyes.  A winner for me.
If you have Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks purchase yours on Amazon for only $13.49 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.  Otherwise you can find it at your local drug store or retailer and use the $2/1 Aveeno product coupon from Recycle Bank (only 75 points) for a great saving.

your own Aveeno Eye Illuminator through the rafflecopter form below

Disclosure:  Aveeno sent me a product in exchange for my review, all opinions are of my own, others opinions may vary.
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Amy Shiflett said:

I would love to try this. I need something for those mornings after a late night.

loves to dive said:

I'm for anything that helps make me look younger, I've noticed when I smile the bags and wrinkles under my eyes are huge.

Robin Letterman said:

I think Drinking lots of water is the best beauty tip there is... i can def. tell if im lacking on water, b/c i get dark circles under my eyes.... also SUNSCREEN!!

cjabdelnour said:

Start taking care of your skin when you are young. Cheryl

Heather S. said:

Wear sunscreen everyday.
hschonrock at yahoo dot com

casey everidge said:

best beauty tip... dont wear make up when you dont have to!

JC said:

Enough sleep and plenty of water, no soda.

Jessica said:

My best beauty tip is to use moisturizer before putting on foundation!

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Allison Downes said:

Best beauty tip for frizzy hair dont wash it! Just condition it, sounds gross but It works!

Diddlepoyner said:

One of the elderly ladies I took care of always insisted that you should wash your hair in cold water and nothing else! I would say true she had really nice hair

nightowl said:

Eat healthy and get enough rest.
winit6 at hotmail dot com

Shell Holland said:

I never wear makeup, but I have noticed that my eyes are puffy even though I get enough sleep so this would be great! Beauty tip I guess would be that I use acne prevention stuff everyday to keep a clear complexion

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said:

camomille tea bags as pads for tired eyes
Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Kimberly said:

Use sunscreen every day!
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Marissa, Brianna, Benny, & Tara said:

Take off your makeup at night. Tara Berke Torres

Jess said:

Drinking lots of water keeps my skin clearer and I mix moisturizer in with my foundation so my face stays moisturized

Anonymous said:

The best beauty tip I ever heard was: Save your old love letters. Dont read beauty magazines they will make you feel ugly.

Amber said:

My beauty tip is to use vaseline as lipgloss - it's so pretty and keeps lips hydrated!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said:

I saw my idea above, and I agree: don't use shampoo if you have curly hair, just conditioner. It's the action of the "kneading" that cleans your hair. Curly hair will be much softer and more manageable.

Brittney said:

Always use primer!
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

PAIGE said:

Dip fingers in milk for strong nails. It works.

Jean said:

Sleep! Get 8 hours a night to look your best. You skin cells need time to do their thing during your rest cycle.
jeanlynd at att dot net

Jean said:

Tip? Get lots of sleep

Darcie K. said:

Drink lots of water and get lots of sleep!

mrssquigg said:

Always apply moisturizer after cleansing your face.

mrssquigg @

Gennelle T said:

Moisturizer and water.. helps give you that glow

lovesshift4 at yahoo dot com

~Kristen Fritsche~ said:

Store your perfumes in the refrigerator. It helps the scent last longer. :)

Denise M said:

always wear sunscreen

holly_young_2225 said:

always carry burt's bees wax

Holly S. said:

Lip Gloss!

SaraLee said:

lotion is your best friend
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

sunscreen under makeup

Brooke R. said:

My best (and favorite) is cucumber on the eyes. Totally helps on my puffy days!
b dot ringer at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said:

Use a night cream and something on your lips - chapstick or balm or vaseline before you go to bed.
april dot vrugtman at gmail dot com

tyedie said:

put lotion on your feet or dry places and wrap in seran wrap

sweepstakeswin84 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Cinderella10383 said:

My best beauty tip is to always and I mean always use a liquid foundation especially under your eyes, I have really dark circles and nothing seems to cover it but liquid
Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

msrodeobrat said:

drink lots of water
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

sindy murray said:

I drink a glass of warm water with lemon wedges!
smlionlamb at gmail dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said:

drink water and get plenty of sleep
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Becca Ann said:


Unknown said:

moisturize twice a day, make sure it contains sunscreen, and drink lots of water. sleep also helps.


Anonymous said:

Use sunscreen!!!

Jen H said:

wash off your make up every day!

Jennifer Rote said:

moisturize your skin and keep hydrated

wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Stephanie said:

Don't over do it, a little is a lot

Erica C. said:

Wear sunscreen daily!

susansmoaks said:

drink a lot of water for flawless skin
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Kathy P said:

i always put moisturizer on my face before bed every night

Erica G said:

Make sure you was your face every night and always wear sunscreen.
cinderwhims at gmail dot com

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