Inbox Dollars

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$25 Eco-Friendly Products Voucher for FREE for new members

OOH I love this green freebie

This is a really nice offer for anyone that's looking for eco-friendly and/or green products - get a $25 voucher for Let's Go Green for as low as FREE if you are new to Gaggle of Chicks!

Here's how to get this deal:
Register with Gaggle of Chicks. You'll automatically receive a $10 credit when you use this link!
Purchase the National Deal of the Day for Let's Go Green priced at $10.
Your $10 credit will automatically be deducted at checkout making this FREE!

So you'll get a $25 GC for free and then just choose $25 worth of product and pay shipping!  Not Bad!!

The best part is it didn't ask me for a credit card for the Zero dollar purchase either!!!!
Your $25 code is available immediately but you can start purchasing on 3/2 - so we need to wait till tommorow but it doesn't expire until 3/4/12 so plenty of time

Fine Print
Free shipping for orders of $49 or higher!
Certificate valid for 6 months
Only 1 coupon per order
Certificate only valid for products only - not shipping costs
Cannot be combined with any other offer
This offer is available through 12:00pm EST on Thursday 3/3 or while supplies last.
Coupon Expires Mar 04, 12 - so plenty of time to use it


sarah said:

Thank you! I went ahead and got this before I even checked out the site lol, I am sure I will find something great for cheap though =)

Unknown said:

Yay I got it! Thanks so much.

Michelle said:

good morning. how much was the shipping if you don't mind my asking? thanks.

The Freebie Junkie said:

Mine was around $9. Its more than I want to pay but I'm actually going to now get dimmer CFL light bulbs so after I factor in shipping price etc.. its cheaper than going out to buy them myself

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