How has everyone's January been so far? we still have a little of January left.
My New Year New Me is going really well.
I've made some improvements in my life and to my blog.
New Me
I started back on my elliptical workouts 3 times a week and I must say its so therapeutic. After I put the kids to bed I put my headphones on and jam to some dance music while reading my free magazines or surfing on my iphone. After, I feel refreshed and energized before I hop on here to blog about the deals, steals and freebies and of course the giveaways. I hope everyone has found their routine for a healthy new year. You owe it to yourself.
New Blog
I hope everyone likes my new blog design? Its still a work in progress, I used a free template online and asked the owner to help me customize and now I'm doing the rest myself. There are a lot of sites online which help you customize blogger templates but as you may know its a tedious job when you are not familiar with HTML..... so bear with me as I make my changes one little step at a time.
As we approach our 1 year anniversary in April (yes its nearly a year) I want to improve your experience on The Freebie Junkie. So if you have some time please fill out my questionnaire in this form below, as an incentive one winner will be drawn randomly to win a surprise in the mail - survey will close February 14th.
I appreciate your time and hope to incorporate your comments into making The Freebie Junkie a fun site for you all.
I'm excited for the year ahead and we've already seen a big giveaway last week at The Blogtastic Extravaganza. I aim to run or participate in a big giveaway event a month, so far I have big giveaway events scheduled every month up till April (click the images on the top right hand column for details) and have already signed up for a huge bloghop giveaway in June so keep posted and of course in between each event there are always giveaways springing up.

Don't forget to mark the week leading up to April 8th on your calender, as I'm putting together giveaways galore to celebrate The Freebie Junkie's one year anniversary.

Don't forget to mark the week leading up to April 8th on your calender, as I'm putting together giveaways galore to celebrate The Freebie Junkie's one year anniversary.
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