Other free items through ebates
From my other post, we discussed the pink lunch bag and how its a moneymaker at Taste of home via ebates. Well I just brought two and I was looking around in the clearance section and found many more items that I wanted to buy. These would be great stocking stuffers - yes I'm starting to think Christmas although we're in May.
Here are some things that caught my eye and I thought you'd might want to get for free at Taste of Home via ebates
Item # 38071 Bagel server $3.50 + $1 shipping = MONEYMAKER
Snowman kitchen timer Item # 32067 $1.99 + $1 = MONEYMAKER
2 measuring glasses Item # 37780 $2.99 + Shipping = MONEYMAKER

Item # 41476 $4.99 + $1 shipping - not quite free after ebates but great for birthday parties.
So sign up via ebates and then in the search button type in Taste of Home. A tracking number will be generated and will take you to the Taste of Home page. Search using the item numbers or go look in clearance and purchase the item. Don't forget to use code # 1131 for $1 shipping. Once you've made the purchase and its shipped to you, ebates will credit you $5 for being a first sign up and then you'll also get back 5% on your purchase. Once you've reached $5.01 in rewards (which you will have done so in this transaction), ebates will cut you a check.
Don't forget to use ebates for all your other online shopping. Ebates change their reward % all the time but they are pretty good returns and soon add up. Check out my previous post.
Friday, May 14, 2010 | 3 comments | Read More
Free Enfamil Sample
Sign up in pic above for a free sample of Enfamil. I used Enfamil for both my kids towards the end of their first year after bf and was glad to get those free samples as it was expensive stuff. They might also sign you up to get high value checks (like a coupon) which saves you so much money.
Also click here to search for the $5/1 Enfagrow coupon (This is for toddlers) (don't forget to go back and print another copy)
For the Mom's out there who are still buying diapers then click here to search for the $3/1 Huggies coupon. These are a big money saver. When my kids were in diaper $2/1 was the highest amount I saw, now its jumped up $1. Don't forget to pair it up with a sale to save even more. (don't forget to go back and print another copy)
There's another new 10-point Pampers code available! Just head over to Pampers Gifts to Grow and enter WELOVECHEERIOS2.
Click here for other codes and to learn more about Pampers Gift to Grow Program
Thanks to Deal Seeking Mom
Free Honey Mustard and Hot Sauce
Click on link here and then click on coupons, sign up to print the available coupons.
The French's Honey Mustard Dipping sauce 75c/1 is free at Giant PA this week as they are $1.50 and Giant PA doubles to make it free.
Same with the Frank's Red Hot Sauce (50c/1).
The French's coupon 50c/1 is a keeper (keep it till the French's mustard goes on sale for a $1 - if the store doubles it will be free).
I could only print once but still great condiment freebies.
Check here to see if you can print more from this site if you didn't print it first time around. Let me know if it worked for you.
While we are talking about coupons, sign up with Betty Crocker in above picture and be put on the email list to let you know when the new printable coupons come out. I print from their site all the time and many times I get lots of freebies when I find a sale and the store doubles their coupons.
Friday, May 14, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free Tuna
Click here to sign up for free Tuna samples. The following are the selections you can choose from:
a sample of Tuna in Soybean Oil or Tuna in Purified Water,
as well one of the following tuna salad samples:
Tuna Salad with Red Beans and Sweet Corn
Tuna Salad with Black-Eyed Peas
Tuna Salad with Potatoes, Carrots 'n Peas
Tuna Salad with Chick Peas
I'm looking forward to trying these, they sound delicous
Thanks to deal saving mom
Friday, May 14, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free Wii bag
Register your copy of Wii Fit Plus & Wii Fit Board accessory to get a FREE Wii Fit tote bag. To get a tote bag, you must be a member of Club Nintendo. It's free to join so register if your not a member.
Thanks Pam
Friday, May 14, 2010 | No comments | Read More
4 Free Kellogs Corn Flakes Cereal
Note: 5/16 I picked up 12 boxes of cereal on Friday. My friend enlisted her husband and picked up a whopping 36 boxes - now thats what I call a Freebie Junkie. How many of your husbands or partners help you out with your freebie deals? - post your comments below! My husband will print coupons for me but I do all the actual freebie shopping as I like the thrill of it all.
My local Genuardis has an awesome Kellogs Cereal deal tommorow (Buy 4 save $4). The deal is good tommorow only (i.e. 5/14) as it stacks nicely with a catalina coupon deal which ends 5/14. The limit is 20 per card (Genuardis store card).
Catalina deal ends tommorow 5/14:
Buy 2 Kellog Cereals get $2 catalina coupon
Buy 3 Kellog Cereals get $3 catalina coupon
Buy 4 Kellog Cereals get $4 catalina coupon
So buy 4 Kellogs Cornflakes for $4 ($1 each)
Use 2 $1/2 Kellogs coupons found on redplum.com and kellogs website
Total out of pocket = $2
Minus $3 catalina coupon
Total after coupon and catalina coupon = $1 MONEYMAKER
I have my eyes on the Fruit Loop cereal as these have the Toy Story reward codes that you can redeem for prizes e.g. movie tickets, movie concession bucks and t-shirts etc. This is what I plan to do after the Kellogs cornflakes deal above.
Buy 4 Kellogs Fruit Loops = $6 ($1.50 each)
Use 2 $1/2 Kellogs coupons found on redplum.com and kellogs website
Total out of pocket = $4
Minus $3 catalina coupon (from transaction 1)
Total after coupon and catalina coupon = $1 i.e. 25 cents per box (woot woot)
While this is not free, I can redeem 3 Kellogs rewards codes for a $5 movie concession coupon.
NOTE 5/14: my Genuardis did not have the specially marked Toy Story boxes. So not sure I will do this deal. Going to run to one more Genuardis after work today and see if they have it
I'm going to rinse and repeat Transaction 2 for Transaction 3 and 4 as I would like to get another Alien Light (needs 8 codes i.e. 8 boxes of participating boxes of Kellogs cereal)
I already have 16 boxes of Kellogs cereal at home from the Giant PA deal last week - so I shall def. be spreading the wealth as I have no more room in my pantry for cereal.
But don't forget the catalina coupon ends tommorow so it won't be as good as a deal thereafter.
Don't forget to go to cellfire and shortcuts to load up some ecoupons onto your genuardis card.
There's also a deal on Windex Multi Surface Cleaner:
Buy 4 Windex Multi Surface Cleaner = $7.96 ($1.99 each)
Minus 4 X $1 coupons (5/9/10 Smart Source newspaper insert)
Total out of pocket = $3.96
Get back two $2 of your next shopping catalina coupon
Total out of pocket after coupons & catalina coupon = 4 cents MONEY MAKER
You can load a $1/1 ecoupon (not sure whether I had it on cell fire or short cuts) to make it a $1.04 MONEYMAKER
Note: Windex Catalina deal ends Saturday 5/16
If you didn't get enough Right Guard Total Defense 5 Deoderant from CVS this week then here's another deal at Genuardis this week.
Buy 3 Right Guard Total Defense 5 Deoderant = $5.97
Use $3/2 manufacturer coupon from coupons.com
Use $1.50/1 manufacturer coupon from here
Load $1.50 ecoupon from here
Total out of pocket = 3 cents MONEYMAKER
Don't forget when you get overage to buy something else to cover the overage
Time to use the Wacky Mac pasta coupon that I had posted here. Its $1 at Genuardis and using the 50c/1 coupon which doubles makes it free.
Happy Guenardis shopping
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free Dr Pepper - OVER
Here's a 60c/1 printable coupon for Dr Pepper (2 liter or 12 pack - any flavor, diet or regular). If your store doubles and its on sale then you could get it for free. I'm going to check Giant PA tonight as my hubby drinks this. Print soon as I'm sure this will go fast like the 7-up printable coupon.
Thanks to Clippin with Carie
Note: 5/13 3.30 pm The campaign is over now! Phew another quick one
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | 2 comments | Read More
Free Suave
Go to the Suave Facebook page (here) - you must "like" and then click tab "Try Suave" for a free 14.5 oz shampoo or conditioner. YAY
I just signed up with this link too
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Borders summer read - free book
Click here to access the form for your kids (age 12 and under) to read 10 books (any books) over the summer to get a free book at Borders (there is a list of 10 free books they can choose from). I'm going to go to my local library for my 10 books. My kids are not old enough to read fully yet but won't stop me from reading the 10 books to them at bed time ; ) Maybe by end of summer my eldest will be able to read one of the books we choose.
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free lunch bag after ebates
Taste of Home has this lunch bag (Item - # 38066) on clearance for $1.99 (Marked down fom $9.00) and if you use code 1131, you can get shipping for a $1 so the grand old total is $2.99 shipped! My daughter loves bags so I'm going to get this for her. Plus I might get a few more and fill them with my extra freebies and give them out as gifts or donations.
So where does the free come into this? If you sign up with ebates and then in the search section type in Taste of Home - this will generate a tracking number and take you straight to Taste of Home (must complete the transaction in the new window to get the % back). You can get 5% back plus a $5 first sign up with purchase bonus. So after you make your first purchase and get your check from ebates your lunch bag is free and a money maker. Checks are paid out quarterly and after you have accrued $5.01, so after purchasing this bag and being a first time sign up this will be a $2.11 money maker.
Here's the Math:
Bag = $2.99 shipped
Ebates 5% cash back on $1.99 = 10 cents
$5 sign up/first puchase bonus = $5
First quarter ebates total = $5.10
$5.10 - $2.99 = $2.11 MONEYMAKER
Go sign up here
So if you shop online regularly why don't you make some money back, plus ebates is a great place to get online coupon codes too. They are celebrating their 11th anniversary right now so 19 stores have 11% back e.g. Macys, Old Navy & Gap. Check out the list here. The best thing is its so easy!
If you are on the Gap email list check your emails as they have emailed me a mystery code which can get me up to a 40% discount (lowest is 10% - amount will be revealed at checkout), pair that up with the 11% back via ebates and this will be an awesome saving - I need to order some clothes. I also have an Old Navy card which earns me reward coupons so I'm going to triple stack my savings!
I also love using ebates when I shop at ebay. Yes you can get money back while bidding on your coupons at ebay. I can't shop online without first checking how much I'll get back from shopping through ebates.
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Updated with more free samples
Click here for the free samples list - there's 13 free samples that are active. I love free samples because I can try new products without having to buy it and also its great for travel so you don't have to hulk your large bottle of shampoo with you.
Thursday, May 13, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free Suave Professional
Heads up - Rachel Ray announced on her show today to check Suave: Professional Quality Products for the Entire Family tommorow and score some free Suave (100,000). I'll post again tommorow as a reminder.
Thanks lazy1608 at Vickys deals
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free Portrait Package
Click here on coupons.com and search for the printable coupon for a free portrait package at Olan Mills which includes 1- 8 X 10, 2 5X7s and 8 wallets. No extra fees or Gimmicks. Great gift for Father's day. Now I need to find my local Olan Mills Studio and sneak the kids out for a photo shoot - yay
While you are on coupons.com go print some coupons for your grocery shopping.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Frees through RecycleBank
Have you registered with RecycleBank yet?
If you aren't yet registered, you can get 165 points to start just by signing up and redeeming the points for a coupon to get a freebie. If you already have an account then here are the ways to get those 165 180 points:
Join the Ebay Green Team to earn 50 bonus points!
Click the ‘Earn Points’ tab then on the top-right enter following codes:
Code: RECYCLEYOURMAGS to get 15 bonus points with ‘Hearst' as the selected points partner
Code: 031604013028 with ‘Nature Made’ as the selected points partner and 10 points will be added to your account. You can do this up to 5 times and in the end you will end up with 50 free Points!
Note: 5/16 Here's another 15 points - use code TakeSmallSteps with Marcal as the selected points partner
- here's some example coupons and the number of points required: Code: RECYCLEYOURMAGS to get 15 bonus points with ‘Hearst' as the selected points partner
Code: 031604013028 with ‘Nature Made’ as the selected points partner and 10 points will be added to your account. You can do this up to 5 times and in the end you will end up with 50 free Points!
Note: 5/16 Here's another 15 points - use code TakeSmallSteps with Marcal as the selected points partner
$1 off any Powerade 50 points (wait for a $1 sale and it will be free)
2 Free cans of Fancy Feast, 100 points
2 Free cans of Friskies, 100 points
Free Seventh Generation Disinfecting Wipes 100 points
Free box of Kashi 125 points
There are many more - way too many to list them all - but go take a look.
You can always earn more by recycling electronics, participating in curbside recycling programs, and/or using Kashless. Read more about how to earn additional points on the earn page. There are some cool rewards - and why not join and promote recycling.
Thanks to For the Mommas and Rockindeals4you
I decided to get the free Kashi cereal (I like their cereal). Which one will you get - make a comment below and let me know which one you chose!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free Yo Plus coupon
If you haven't already signed up, sign up here for a free Yo Plus yogurt coupon. I had already signed up in April but didn't remember doing it? but you are able to verify all the offers you have received from Betty crocker.com.
Thanks Pam
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Make a Change
Here are some baskets I made up for my kids daycare. They are having a Spring festival next Thursday and I'm donating a few of my freebies in a basket to raffle for fun school activities. Collect some of your extra freebies and Make a Change.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free Panty
This deal is up again - Go to any Lane Bryant Store through Wednesday 5/19 and get a pair of black or White panty free. One panty per customer, while supplies last. Expires at closing on 5/19/10. No coupon necessary.
Thanks to The Freebie Blogger
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 | No comments | Read More
Free Red Box Code
Here's a Red Box code for a free REDBOX movie rental
Use promo code: SMLVCTS you will not be charged for the movie unless you return it late. Expires 5/22/10. Click here for a list of Red Box locations
Thanks PamFree Gillette Body Wash
Dollar General has the Gillette Body wash on sale for $2 this week. Use the $4/2 coupon from P&G insert from the Sunday paper from 5/2/10 to get 2 for free. I picked up 2 yesterday after work and also a free Dentastix for my SIL's dog with the $2/1 manufacturer coupon (see post). I have one more $2/1 Dentastix coupon left so will try to make a trip this week.
My Target had these Gillette body wash on clearance for $1.52 and I got 4 free with two $4/2 coupons. The coupon beeped but the Target guy pushed it through. I did get overage but its best if they adjust the coupon down as I don't want to abuse the coupon system.
Anyone interested to see what I've got for free in May so far - check this link out
Bic Soleil Giveaway- 3 Winners notified
Note: 5/16 9pm - The 3 lucky winners of The Freebie Junkie's first giveaway have been picked and an email from my email account addictedtofreebies@gmail.com has been sent. Check your emails and respond within 24 hours with where I should send your Bic Soleil Giveway.
Don't forget to subscribe to The Freebie Junkie or 'like' on Addcited to Freebies facebook page to be up to date on the latest freebie deals. I'll be posting another freebie soon - so keep watching.
I'm hosting my first Freebie Junkie Giveaway
I am participating in the Bic Soleil Party this Friday (from House Party) and have 3 (THREE) Bic Soleil party favors to give away:
Each party favor consists of:
- $3 Bic Soleil Bella Shaver 3-pack coupon expires 12/31/10
- Bic Soleil Bella razor
- Pink ear phones
- Colored zippered sunglass case
3 winners will be selected randomly, there are several ways to enter and each person can enter once in each category - the more categories you participate in the more entries you can submit
email me at addictedtofreebies@gmail.com to let me know which category(s) you entered - please leave me your email address so I can validate your entry(s)
1) "Like" Addicted to Freebies on Facebook
2) Post following comment on houseparty.com in the Bic Soleil section "Love the Bic Soleil party favor from http://www.thefreebiejunkie.com/2010/05/my-first-giveaway.html"
3) "Like" Bic Soleil on Facebook and post the following comment "Love the Bic Soleil party favor from http://www.thefreebiejunkie.com/2010/05/my-first-giveaway.html"
4) Follow me on "Google Friend Connect"
5) Email subscribe to my blog - see link to the right
6) Tweet about me on Twitter "Win a Bic Soleil Party favor from http://www.thefreebiejunkie.com/2010/05/my-first-giveaway.html"
7) Refer a friend - Send an email to addictedtofreebies@gmail.com with your friends email address after they complete any of the above (unlimited entries)
8) Make a comment to this post and tell me how addicted to couponing you are
For those who are already a fan on facebook (Addicted to Freebies) or email subscribe to my blog then you are automatically entered.
Giveaway closes on Sunday 23rd May at 6 pm EST and winners will be notified Monday 24th May via email.
Click here to grab some other prizes courtesy of Bic Soleil: "There are thousands of fun, sharable prizes in the BIC® Soleil® 100 Days of Sunshine promotion. Join now! http://www.feelthesoleil.com/
Monday, May 10, 2010 | 9 comments | Read More
Free samples
Click here for a free sample of Curel Itch Defense Lotion when you fill out a short form on the Curel website.
Thanks Deal Seeking Mom
Thanks to Rockindeals4you
Thanks Deal Seeking Mom
Click here to get free Burts Bees toothpaste sample. Great for packing for overnight travel!
Click here for a free sample of Bacon salt - I'm intrigued already.
Click above to get a free Prilosec sample, we use these in our household so great to get some freebies for the car and office desk at a pinch.
Email web@biofreeze.com for a free sample of Biofreeze spray (for pain relief) or you can call 1800-246-3733.
Thanks rockindeals4you
Sign up here to receive a free sample of our Baby Barn's two most popular products: Baby Body and Hair Wash and Soft Skin Baby Lotion. Our products are all-natural, organic, vegan, cruelty-free, and extremely effective. This sample contains two (2) 2.5 Oz. bottles. Great for travel or overnight stays with Grandma. (be sure to verify your address in email they send you)
Thanks Pam
Click here to take you to Walmarts sample page to sign up for a free Old Spice Odor Blockier sample.
and for the women - click here for a sample of Dove Ultimate deodorant
Thanks to HiptoSave
Click here for another deoderant sample. Do you think they are trying to tell us something? Anyhoo - these samples are great for traveling!
Click here for a pet treat sample. The product is not available in store yet (June) but try the sample out now.Thanks to Rockindeals4you
Click here for some child safety tattoos - these will come in handy over the summer when we go on day trips.
Thanks to Dealseekingmom
Request a free sample of John Frieda’s Sheer Blonde Hair care. You will receive a .28 oz sample within a few weeks.
Another Walmart freebie - click here for a free sample
Thanks Penny Pinching Mom
Stop by and take a quick & easy survey from Veria and receive a Free Signature Veria Incense Kit. Click here on the third slide on the front page to get to the Survey page. I love incense - good way to refresh the basement.
Monday, May 10, 2010 | No comments | Read More