Welcome to The Freebie Junkie's Holiday Gift Guide
Gift: Zak! Designs: Toy Story 6 piece Meal Time Set
Gift: Zak! Designs: Toy Story 6 piece Meal Time Set
Zak! Designs mission is to make everyday meals a little more special by creating safe, innovative and fashionable products that add a touch of color and an element of fun to tables around the world.
The Toy Story themed meal time items are perfect as a gift for kids this holiday. Toy Story is a classic and so are the Zak! Design pieces as they are durable and versatile.
We were sent the Toy Story 6 piece Meal Time Set for review:
16" x 10.8" 3-D Placemat
3-Section Tray
9 oz. Fun Float tumbler with sculpted character in water with glitter
14 oz. Fun Sip Tumbler with lid and U shaped straw
Easy Grip Fork
Easy Grip Spoon
Luckily there were two drink containers as war would have been declared in our household between my 5 and 3 year old. With a glass kitchen table, placemats are a must in our household. While my children have grown out of the divided trays and easy grip fork and spoons, Zak! Designs carry Mealtime on the Go and Food Storage solutions too which work well for my kids school lunch. Plus there are a variety of characters to choose from.
I love the collection of tableware, serveware and kitchen prep products for me
Zak Designs has also launched a Mealtime Fun Zone that has a discussion forum, recipe exchange, helpful parenting links, and other ways for parents to get involved! For me the "recipe exchange" and "Get involved" sections appeal to me the most. Go check it out be part of Zak's product development process with focus groups and product surveys.
16" x 10.8" 3-D Placemat
3-Section Tray
9 oz. Fun Float tumbler with sculpted character in water with glitter
14 oz. Fun Sip Tumbler with lid and U shaped straw
Easy Grip Fork
Easy Grip Spoon
Luckily there were two drink containers as war would have been declared in our household between my 5 and 3 year old. With a glass kitchen table, placemats are a must in our household. While my children have grown out of the divided trays and easy grip fork and spoons, Zak! Designs carry Mealtime on the Go and Food Storage solutions too which work well for my kids school lunch. Plus there are a variety of characters to choose from.
I love the collection of tableware, serveware and kitchen prep products for me
Zak Designs has also launched a Mealtime Fun Zone that has a discussion forum, recipe exchange, helpful parenting links, and other ways for parents to get involved! For me the "recipe exchange" and "Get involved" sections appeal to me the most. Go check it out be part of Zak's product development process with focus groups and product surveys.
Products from Zak Designs are available at a wide range of retailers across the country. Check here to find an online retailer that might carry the products you're looking for, or a retail store near you that has a selection of Zak products.
You can purchase the Zak Designs Toy Story 3-Piece Dinner Set With Insulated Lunch Bag
for $18.21
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I love the mini prep bowls. I think I inherited my Mom's bowl fetish!
Thanks for sharing!
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Oh, I may have to buy the Willow dinnerware or the stackable storage containers! They are too cute!!!
I love the Quarry collection!
I Love the Confetti collection!!
tiffanyhalter @ ymail. com
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Travel Tumbler - Bird
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Another product I like is the Thomas & Friends 3pc Gift Set
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I like the Zak Confetti 4pc Bowl Set Assorted Bright/Red.
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I like the Nibble Tray with Lid and Detachable Stay-Cool Dipping Section
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I like the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Squeeze N Sip!
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I like the silverware for kids. The chunky hands are great for grips and the fork isn't sharp but enough to grab food.
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I like the silverware for kids. The chunky hands are great for grips and the fork isn't sharp but enough to grab food.
I like the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse set
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yates at otelco dot net
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yates at otelco dot net
i like the Grace Margarita - Blue from the website.
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fb name is monika gardiner
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I like their meeme 2.5qt Stackable Canister - Periwinkle - this would be so handy for storing things like flour or all sorts of other items! Thank you!
MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com
I follow Zak designs on Twitter - Erika105
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MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com
I love the toy story rocket plate! So cute!
I follow you on twitter-thiscantbereal
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I love 4pc Rose Condiment Bowl Sets in red & tonal orange. The whole garden set is cute!!
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I like the Cars 3D Flip & Sip
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(Crystal Meaige Cox)
I also love the Hello Kitty 3pc. Gift Set...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
Follow Zak on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*
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Tweet #2... http://twitter.com/DNatrlBeauty/status/14555901511868416 ...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
I liked the Amore bowls.
Carol L
I'm a GFC follower under Lucky47.
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Carol L
I really love the Confetti Cupcake Tray - Orange! This would be perfect for me and it's made from recycled materials!!
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I posted this giveaway on my blog. Here is the link: http://www.livingonadollar.com/2010/12/toy-story-6-piece-meal-set-giveaway.html
I love the serving trays... especially the Shalimar print.
Sandy H.
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Sandy H.
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Sandy H.
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Sandy H.
I also like: http://www.zak.com/Colorways-2qt-Batter-Bowl--Red_p_795.html
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