Inbox Dollars

Blog Archive

Holiday Gift Hop Giveaway - ENTER NOW

Welcome to the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop
 which runs from December 1st-5th. 

My theme for the giveaway focuses on daily deal sites; online shopping has taken on a new dimension where shoppers and their friends become involved in the shopping experience and through word of mouth such as blogs like mine these sites are the place to be everyday to find unique gifts at an unbeatable price.  These are here to stay so keep up with the trend and come and win some great spending money at my sponsor sites....

Please check out the wonderful prizes donated by my very generous sponsors.
Take the time to click on the corresponding link to learn more about each sponsor and their fabulous daily deal site.

Gold Sponsor

$100 Gift Credit
Click here to learn more about Totsy 

Silver Sponsor
$50 Gift Credit
Click here to learn more about Eversave

Silver Sponsor

Two winners - $25 Gift Credit
Click here to learn more about GiftCardRescue

Bronze Sponsor
 $25 Gift Credit
Click here to learn more about Jasmere

There will be 5 winners
Follow me on Google Friend Connect and comment below telling me what you do to save money

* Join Totsy
* Join Eversave
* Join GiftCardRescue
* Join Jasmere
* Facebook (Addicted to Freebies)
* Join me on Twitter Freebie Alert
* Subscribe to The Freebie Junkie via Email (must be activated)
* Tweet about the giveaway (2 entries) leave your link  
* Blog about the giveaway (5 extra entries) include your blog link
Please make a separate entry for each additional entry and ensure you leave your ID (facebook, twitter and GFC name) and a contact email address so that I may verify your entry and contact you).  Please note you must have an account if you would like to use your winning credit.
The contest will close on Sunday December 5th, 2011 11:59 pm EST.  Open to the US residents only.

Be in it to win it

 During this event you can hop from blog to blog and enter as many as you like, to win yourself some great spending money for Christmas.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 536   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said:

i Follow you on Facebook. I save money by shopping at the .99 store at the beginning of the month and use cupons at the major gracery stores.

Unknown said:

I follow you on Twitter

Unknown said:

I follow you on GFC

Unknown said:

I joined Totsy

Unknown said:

I joined Giftcardrescue

Kim Ashworth said:

I follow you on FB my name there is Kim Ashworth

I save money by always clipping coupons and using them whenever i go to the grocery as well as going to the discount stores first to buy as much as i can before i go to any major store.

Kim Ashworth

Kim Ashworth said:

I joined totsy!!

Kim Ashworth

SuperMOM said:

Following on GFC frogsandflowers

SuperMOM said:

Following on twitter


Mammamoiselle said:

I follow via GFC (as Stephanie) and I save money by using coupons.

Unknown said:

I follow you on GFC - alicia715

I do tons of stuff to save money, I even make my own laundry detergent for less than $2 a bottle!


Unknown said:

I follow you on Twitter - @amccrenshaw


Anonymous said:

Following you via GFC

I save $$ using coupons - I blog about coupons, rebates, etc :-)


Unknown said:

I follow you on google connect (lemerym78)
I save money by shopping several stores to get the best deal and always using coupons!

Unknown said:

I follow you on Twitter @ lemerym78

ElizabethOrmes said:

I follow via GFC and save money shopping at Aldi and buying store brand or coupon deals

ElizabethOrmes said:

I follow you on facebook

Unknown said:

I follow you on GFC and save money by using coupons


Unknown said:

I am following you on GFC and I save money for my family every day by using coupons and shopping with Extra Bucks, etc. I'm known as the coupon queen in my family! ;)

Unknown said:

I forgot to leave my e-mail: Thanks for the chance!!

Unknown said:

I do follow you on Facebook

Unknown said:

I also receive your e-mail subscription which is great!

Unknown said:

I'm now following you on twitter (thiscantbereal) Thanks!

michelle roemer schoen said:

i follow you on facebook ... we have done away with plastic water bottles and now use reusable stainless steel products. while we did recycle the plastic bottles, this helps cut out the cost of cases of water. our family feels much better doing this for ourselves and for the environment.

Belly Charms said:

I am a GFC follower. I use blogs and other online "deals" to save money.

Belly Charms said:

I joined Jasmere

Belly Charms said:

I like you on facebook

Belly Charms said:

I follow you on twitter @bellycharms

Alisha K said:

Following you via gfc.

Alisha K said:

I like you on facebook

Alisha K said:

Following you via twitter.

Tamara B. said:

Follower Google Friend COnnect
I save money by using coupons and price comparison.

Tamara B. said:

I "like" on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

Children Teaching Mama said:

i follow u via gfc.. i look online for deals, cut coupons, and only buy things on sale. one could say i'm a cheap-a** :)
writeroxie at gmail dot com

Children Teaching Mama said:

i joined totsy already
writeroxie at gmail

Children Teaching Mama said:

i joined eversave
writeroxie at gmail

Children Teaching Mama said:

i joined gift card rescue already
writeroxie at gmail dot com

Children Teaching Mama said:

joined jasmere

Children Teaching Mama said:

i follow u on facebook as roxanne d.
writeroxie at gmail

Children Teaching Mama said:

follow u on twitter as @childrenteach

Children Teaching Mama said:

i subscribe via email
writeroxie at gmail

Kimberly S said:

I follow

I shop at dollar stores and use coupons.

Kimberly S said:

following on twitter

2kidsand8cats said:

follow google friend
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com

2kidsand8cats said:

Like you on facebook Amy F
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com

Liz said:

follow you on gfc and I use coupons to save $

lizgiver at gmail

Liz said:

like you on fb (liz giver)

lizgiver at gmail

Liz said:

follow you on twitter @lizgiver

lizgiver at gmail

Bethany C. said:

I try to save money by using coupons and always checking the Sunday circulars to see where the sales are.


Bethany C. said:

joined totsy


Bethany C. said:

joined eversave


Bethany C. said:

joined giftcardrescue


Bethany C. said:

twitter follower bcardoo79


Bethany C. said:

email subscriber


S Carter said:

I follow on GFC. I save my using coupons, rebates and price matching. Also buying in bulk

scarter305 at aol dot com

Tamera Westhoff said:

I am following you on GFC. I save money by watching ads, using coupons, and staying up to date with cool freebies and sales!

ilovemeinekinder at yahoo DOT com

Callie said:

I follow you on GFC
i save money by shopping off season--buying christmas decorations in january for example.

The Recipe Collector said:

I am a huge couponer and love to save money!!! I am avid on catching things we need while they are on sale and also using a coupon with it.

The Recipe Collector said:

I follow you on Google Friend :-)

The Recipe Collector said:

I follow you on Facebook :-)

The Recipe Collector said:

I Tweeted today about this giveaway-entry 1

The Recipe Collector said:

I Tweeted today about this giveaway-entry 2

The Recipe Collector said:

I follow your blog via email too

The Recipe Collector said:

I am a member of Totsy

The Recipe Collector said:

I am a member of Eversave

The Recipe Collector said:

I am a member of Jasmere

Rebekah said:

I follow on GFC and save money by using an antenna instead of paying for TV

miryfaye at

X said:

I save money by entering giveaways instead of spending money on christmas presents :)
GFC follower

Student Entrepreneur said:

GFC Follower -
one way I save money is to ONLY go shopping when I have a list of things to get!

Donna said:

I follow via GFC and I use coupons and shop sales to save money.

Donna said:

I follow you on twitter (malar2)

Donna said:


Donna said:

tweet #2

Anonymous said:

GFC follower

We use a lot of coupons

jmcghee2024 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said:

I like you on Facebook

jmcghee2024 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said:

I'm a member of Eversave

jmcghee2024 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said:

I'm a member of Giftcard Rescue

jmcghee2024 AT yahoo DOT com

mcbeth said:

I Have been using a lot of the half price and deal site like eversave to help me save money!

Anonymous said:

I use coupons to get as many freebies or discounted items that I can. GFC Follower

Anonymous said:

Joined Totsy

Anonymous said:

Joined Eversave

Anonymous said:

Joined GiftCardRescue

Anonymous said:

Email subscriber

MaryB said:

I"m a GFC follower (Mary Brady) and I save money by entering giveaways!

erin.nicole said:

I am following you via GFC! To save money, I bring a lunch to school and work everyday instead of buying!

erin.nicole said:

i joined Totsy

erin.nicole said:

I joined eversave

erin.nicole said:

i joined giftcard rescue

erin.nicole said:

joined jasmere

erin.nicole said:

I follow you on FB-erin brady

erin.nicole said:

I follow you on twitter-bradywadie14

Jackie said:

I follow via google friend connect. To save money, I shop sales and use coupons...and only shop when I really need something.
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said:

I subscribe via email
jackievillano at gmail dot com

MaryB said:

I'm a GFC follower and I save money by entering giveaways and using coupons.

MaryB said:

following you @chirpandtweet

Anonymous said:

GFC follower and I save money by shopping sales and not paying for anything full price, and using coupons of course

nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

Twitter follower Sarai1979

nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

La said:

I liked your blog on FB

Steve Capell said:

I would love to win this giveaway. I am GFC follower of your site and I was Born, Bred, Raised and some would say Manufactured in the USA. As for saving we follow a budget and that saves a lot of money.
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.


Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

GFC follower.

To save money we don't pay for tv. My son's school is across the street from the library so we rent movies and even some tv shows. It keeps tv time to a minimum and saves money!

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

i joined Totsy

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

i like you on FB @ becky barrett beitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

i follow you on twitter @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

email subscriber

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

i blogged

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

i blogged #2

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

i blogged #3

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

i blogged #4

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said:

i blogged #5

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

sweetpea18 said:

to save money, we put on a sweatshirt and use a blanket instead of turning up the heat.
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

Josh&Jenna said:

Following via GFC
We use a strict budget, deal with being a little chilly, and use coupons to save money.

eclairre said:

I subscribe to e-mail newsletters to find coupons and then I take advantage of sales and coupons for mega savings!
I follow on GFC! THANKS!

Unknown said:

I save money by shopping the sales, and making my own gifts, and by following your blog! I follow you on GFC!
Emily Green

Unknown said:

I follow you on facebook!
Emily Green

Unknown said:

Follow you on twitter!
Emily Green

Unknown said:

Subscribed/activated your email!
Emily Green

Unknown said:

I joined Eversave!
Emily Green

Unknown said:

I joined Totsy!
Emily Green

Something For Nothing said:

I follow you on gfc. To save money I use coupons Erica

Something For Nothing said:

I joined totsy Erica Hardin

Something For Nothing said:

I joined eversave Erica Hardin

Something For Nothing said:

i joined giftcard rescue Erica Hardin

Something For Nothing said:

i joined jasmere Erica Hardin

Something For Nothing said:

i follow you on fb Erica Hardin

Something For Nothing said:

i subscribe to you via email Erica Hardin

Dawn said:

I Joined Totsy

Dawn said:

I Joined Eversave

Dawn said:

I Joined GiftCardRescue

Dawn said:

added Facebook (Addicted to Freebies)!/profile.php?id=653890245

Dawn said:

Joined Twitter Freebie Alert


Dawn said:

Subscribe to The Freebie Junkie via Email (must be activated)

Dawn said:

Tweet about the giveaway (2 entries) leave your link

Mommaof2_75 Dawn C
Check out this give away..

Dawn said:

I follow you on GFC

I save by using coupons and always checking online for deals before I buy anything.

Jeanie said:

I follow you with GFC.

I save money by doing price comparisons online among different websites. If I could help it I won't buy anything unless it's on sale.

alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com

Jeanie said:

I like Addicted to Freebies on Facebook: Aloha Pearl (Jeanie)

alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com

Jeanie said:

I'm an email subscriber.
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com

Jeanie said:

I tweeted!
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Entry #1

Jeanie said:

I tweeted!
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
Entry #2

Jeanie said:

I follow you on Twitter: alohapearl12

alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com

Traci66 said:

GFC follower

I save by giving money to the hubby to put up.

Bethany Learn said:

I followed you and I save money by not spending money. I tell myself to wait. Often what I need makes it to me in the form of a nice friend or just ... waiting. Impatience is a waste of money :)

Bethany Learn said:

Followed you on Twitter via @fit2bmama

mandala said:

GFC follower, to save money I use coupons and match them with sales.
mandalarctic at gmail dot com

mandala said:

Following on Twitter (@mandalarctic)
mandalarctic at gmail dot com

mandala said:

E-mail subscriber
mandalarctic at gmail dot com

humanecats said:

I follow on GFC. I do everything I can think of to save money. I clip coupons, I watch sales circulars, I eat a lot of brown rice and beans and almost no meat.

Janelle said:

I follow in GFC!
I save $ by coupons, deal sites, sales & any way possible!
Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway!
Best wishes,

Janelle said:

I'm an email subscriber, too!
Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway!
Best wishes,

humanecats said:

I follow on twitter as humanecats.

humanecats said:

tweeted giveaway 1!/humanecats/status/10217316188954624

humanecats said:

tweeted giveaway 2!/humanecats/status/10217316188954624

mkjmc said:

GFC follower Kathy Persons
kathypersons at yahoo dot com

mkjmc said:

FB Friend Kathy Persons
kathypersons at yahoo dot com

mkjmc said:

Twitter friend @mkjmc
kathypersons at yahoo dot com

mkjmc said:!/mkjmc/status/10311359895965696 tweeted

mkjmc said:!/mkjmc/status/10311359895965696
kathypersons at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

I follow you on GFC.

To save money , we use cloth diapers on my twins and I launder them at home.

hideemiller AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said:

I've been a member of Totsy for a while now. In fact, I'm waiting for my first order to arrive!

hideemiller AT gmail DOT com


Anonymous said:

I love Jasmere! I've been a member for a few months and have bought a number of things from them.

hideemiller AT gmail DOT com


Anonymous said:

I "like" you on FB, too!

hideemiller AT gmail DOT com


Anonymous said:

And I follow you on Twitter, too: heidirmiller

hideemiller AT gmail DOT com


Unknown said:

I follow you publicly on google friend connect. (Kelly Deaton) I clip coupons and watch sales (and do things like this) to save money. Thanks for the chance!
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said:

I joined Totsy. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said:

I joined Eversave. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said:

I joined Jasmere. (dkad23)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said:

I like Addicted to Freebies on facebook. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said:

I follow Freebie Alert on twitter. (@dkad23)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

whirledpeas1129 said:

I'm following you with Google Friend Connect, and I'm from the US.

To save money, we always cook at home and pack lunches, and I'm also a big coupon clipper... but I try not to clip coupons for things I wouldn't normally buy!

rebeccashattuck (at) gmail (dot) com

whirledpeas1129 said:

I've also "liked" your Facebook page. You can find me there by my name, Becky Shattuck

whirledpeas1129 said:

***Blog Extra Entry #1***

I've blogged about your giveaway!

rebeccashattuck (at) gmail (dot) com

whirledpeas1129 said:

***Blog Extra Entry #2***

I've blogged about your giveaway!

rebeccashattuck (at) gmail (dot) com

whirledpeas1129 said:

***Blog Extra Entry #3***

I've blogged about your giveaway!

rebeccashattuck (at) gmail (dot) com

whirledpeas1129 said:

***Blog Extra Entry #4***

I've blogged about your giveaway!

rebeccashattuck (at) gmail (dot) com

whirledpeas1129 said:

***Blog Extra Entry #5***

I've blogged about your giveaway!

rebeccashattuck (at) gmail (dot) com

Snowflake07 said:

google friend follower (Snowflake07)
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
To save money, I try to save/freeze leftovers whenever I can. It does help out with the grocery bill, even if you only do one "leftover" night a week.

Snowflake07 said:

I joined Totsy.
Audra W.
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net

Snowflake07 said:

following you on twitter as SnowflakeDay

Snowflake07 said:

email subscriber
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net

Snowflake07 said:

entry #1

Snowflake07 said:

entry #2

Mommy Minded said:

I follow via GFC and I am a coupon clipping mom! ;)

mommyminded at gmail dot com

Mommy Minded said:

I follow you on Twitter!

mommyminded at gmail dot com

gretablau said:

I followed on GFC

I do definitely save money by entering tons of giveaways!!

gretablau said:

I'm a member of Gift Card Rescue!

gretablau said:

I liked Addicted to Freebies on FB

gretablau said:

I followed you on Twitter


gretablau said:

I subscribed via email and confirmed!


Anonymous said:

I am a follower.

Qtpies7 said:

I make sure to not shop while hungry, that seriously decreases the grocery bill!
I follow on GFC.

Tressa said:

GFC follower. I buy things in bulk when I can.

Tressa said:

Already joined Jasmere.

Tressa said:

Tweeted giveaway:!/TresSherm/status/10479421341310976

Unknown said:


GFC follower!!


I enter giveaways and do reviews and stash toys! With 7 kids it's the only way Christmas/birthdayds can go the way I desire and for me not to stress!!

Lara said:

I follow on GFC and I clip coupons

Lara said:

I joined Totsy

Lara said:

I follow you on twitter

Casey said:

I follow via GFC. To save money, I search and print online coupons prior to heading out to the store. Thanks!

Casey said:

I am a Jasmere member. Thanks!

ACMommy3 said:

I follow you as ACMommy on GFC, and I try to save money by combining sales with coupons and store coupons, and avoiding prepackaged/premade foods, and having a weekly menu plan. :-)

Elizabeth said:

GFC follower- I use coupons for just about everything to save money!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 536   Newer› Newest»

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