The temperature is dropping fast, leaves are turning and falling, you know what that means - Halloween is coming! I've been pretty organized this year and the kids costumes are already hanging in their closets. Last year the kids plastic halloween buckets (used since their very first Trick or Treat event) were so laden with candy that we had to transfer them to another bag so they could continue on their way. While we certainly do not need so much candy in our household it is cute to see their little faces when they dump the whole bucket out for all to see.

So this year I searched around for a Halloween tote that fit our needs. I came across the perfect eco friendly reusable bag with a fabulous halloween design from ChicoBag.

The Halloween ChicoBag not only can hold a lot of candy but is totally resuable for my freebie grocery shopping throughout the year. I hate taking those plastic grocery bags home, even though I reuse them for my trash I still feel pained knowing they'll sit on the landfill for a long time. I try my best to bring my recycled bags to the grocery store but somehow they still sit on the passenger car seat while I shop. The beauty of the Chicobag is the bag folds down into a convenient minute sized pouch with a handy dandy caribiner clip which I can clip straight onto my car keys - hence no forgetting! Win win for the whole family and the environment : )
Buy the Halloween ChicoBag's online here or find a local store - starting price is $5.
While the cute Pumpkin design Chicobag is sold out on the ChicoBag website I found one on Amazon.com for $5.49 + shipping here
10% of the sale of each bag will be contributed to Green Halloween®, a non-profit, grassroots community initiative to create healthier and more Earth-friendly holidays, starting with Halloween.
Enter your children from the ages of 1-13 for the "Spirit of a Green Halloween" bag design here through October 31, 2010 to win cash prizes and goodie bags. This will be a fun halloween project for my kids this weekend.
ChicoBag has offered one (1) lucky reader a chance to win a Limited Edition 2010 Halloween ChicoBag.
Visit ChicoBag and leave a comment here telling me which bag design you like
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Giveaway contest ends Friday October 22nd at 10 pm EST.
Disclosure: Sample products were provided to me in exchange for my honest review. The opinions and thoughts expressed are my own. I received no other compensation for my review nor was I under any obligation to give a positive review.
Do you mean the contest ends on October 22nd, not November?
Ooh, cool bags! I use re-usable bags all the time and I've been lookingfor new ones.
I like their gorgeously green bags and the halloween bags are adorable.
CHICOBAG DAYPACK20 are so cool!!! I do like the Pumpkin design though.
I love the pumpkin design for a trick or treat bag. I love Chico bags!
Liked Chicobags on facebook
My favourite's the Bagmonster, but they're all great!
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And I follow ChicoBag on Twitter.
Brandilabarre1 @ gmail dot com
Chico Bag Vita is my favorite. I also love the pumpkin design for Halloween, no wonder it's sold out!
pafederwitz at gmail dot com
I also like the Karma Design bag!
colljerr at comcast dot net
I am a fan of ChicoBag on Facebook. (Colleen Maurina)
colljerr at comcast dot net
I follow you via GFC (ColleenM).
colljerr at comcast dot net
I joined Addicted To Freebies on Facebook. (Colleen Maurina)
colljerr at comcast dot net
I like the 'pumpkin' design.
amberlowmiddleton at gmail dot com
Thanks Brandi! yes Contest ends October 22nd. I've made the revision ;)
i love the nature collection.
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the bagmonster is super cute
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
While I love the halloween bags, I would probably prefer one I can use year-round, I like the "Karma" Chicobag. Thanks!
I like the dontfeed the bag monster!
I like chico on FB!
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I like you on FB!
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I like the design with a grave and ghost on the front and pumpkins and a cat on the back.
lifeordeathshalldecide at gmail dot com
I liked ChicoBag on Facebook!
lifeordeathshalldecide at gmail dot com
I am following you on GFC as Eleanor P.
lifeordeathshalldecide at gmail dot com
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lifeordeathshalldecide at gmail dot com
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lifeordeathshalldecide at gmail dot com
I am following ChicoBag on Twitter!
lifeordeathshalldecide at gmail dot com
Love love love the Heal The Bay bag!!
GFC & Twitter (RexRobotReviews) Follower!
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