I would like to introduce you to Mayra Calvani who is a sponsoring a Young Girl Gift for my Getting Ready for the Holidays Giveaway Extravaganza Prize Pack which will be held on November 7th to 14th. If you recall, awesome Holiday prize packs are being offered during this event filled with wonderful products for the whole family.
I'm one of those people that picks up a book and reads it in one or two sittings. I've been known to be up till 4 am just because I'm stubborn and will not put it down until I've finished it. I hope my children love to read as much as I do. Do any of you belong to a book club - for me its an excuse to hang with my girlfriends, drink wine, eat, drink wine and oh yes discuss books we've read in a relaxed forum ; )
Well book clubs shouldn't really be for adults only. How about getting your children into a book club or maybe they can start their own? Many kids would love to start a book club but don't know how. Mayra Calvani approaches this subject in her book "How to Turn your Book Club into a Spectacular Event", to teach children all they need to know to become a fabulous book club hostess. My children are a tad too young to host their own book club but for the older ones starting a book club can be easy, exciting and fun. The main requirements? A little imagination and a passion for words!
This handbook is chock full of tips and suggestions. Examples include:
How to choose books
A complete and concise explanation of different genres
Where to hold meetings
How many members to invite
How to handle discussions.
What a great way for your child to share their love of reading. While the book targets girls from age nine and up, I can't stop from using some of the tips for the adult book club!
Mayra Calvani spends most of her time doing what she loves best: writing fiction and nonfiction for children and adults. Her children's titles include:
The Magic Violin, Crash!
Humberto the Bookworm Hamster
Frederico the Mouse Violinist
The Doll Violinist
A Bad, Mad
Sad Day for Mama Bear
Water Play
How to Write Great Book Reviews
Great stocking stuffer for Christmas to get those little brain cells ready for the New Year.
Purchase her book at the Amazon online store here
Mayra has offered one (1) lucky reader a chance to win a "How to Turn Your Book Club into a Spectacular Event" book
Would you like early entries to the giveaway?
If so, complete any of the following - please leave separate comments per entry and ensure there is a way for me to contact you should you win.
Mandatory entry
Leave a comment here telling me what books your child likes to read
* Join Mayra Calvani on Facebook
* Join Mayra Calvani on Twitter
* Join Mayra Calvani on her blog
Early Entry Giveaway ends Friday November 5th at 10 pm EST.
Disclosure: A sample product was provided to me in exchange for my honest review. The opinions and thoughts expressed are my own. I received no other compensation for my review nor was I under any obligation to give a positive review.
Here's a sneak peak of all the wonderful prizes being offered (total $175 worth of prizes) - the more early entry contests you enter the higher the chance of winning.
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I joined Mayra Calvani on Facebook - Kimberly Miller!
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my daughter likes mysteries and June B. Jones books as well as Fairy diarys.
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It is vital in these days to have a social media presence. Many businesses overlook this necessity for future growth. It may be more important than putting in more funding. Pricing properly is key, of course. But investing more is not always the best option. Sometimes it’s better to cut unnecessary costs.
It is vital in these days to have a social media presence. Many businesses overlook this necessity for future growth. It may be more important than putting in more funding. Pricing properly is key, of course. But investing more is not always the best option. Sometimes it’s better to cut unnecessary costs.
It is vital in these days to have a social media presence. Many businesses overlook this necessity for future growth. It may be more important than putting in more funding. Pricing properly is key, of course. But investing more is not always the best option. Sometimes it’s better to cut unnecessary costs.
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