Here is the weekly schedule of times for the giveaway:
Mondays 12 Noon EST
Tuesdays 6 am EST
Wednesdays 4 pm EST
Thursdays 6 am EST
Fridays 12 Noon EST
Saturdays 2 pm EST
Sundays 9 pm EST
FREE Smucker’s® Uncrustables® Ready To Go! Sandwiches Offer. Submit an organizational tip or solution for the on-the-go mom or dad tip and score a coupon by mail for a free box of Smucker’s® Uncrustables® sandwiches (4-pack) (max. value $3.00)
Terms & Conditions:
Register on and submit an organizational tip or solution for the on-the-go mom or dad (a “Tip) beginning on 9/13/10 at 12:00pm noon ET through 10/13/10 at the posted time daily to receive a coupon by mail for one free box of Smucker’s® Uncrustables® sandwiches (4-pack) (max. value $3.00). The first 500 eligible registrants to submit a Tip on the first day (9/13/10) will receive a coupon and the first 400 eligible registrants to submit a Tip on each of the succeeding 30 days will receive a coupon. Offer is valid each day while supplies last; a maximum of 12,500 coupons will be awarded. Notice will be posted on the website once the daily coupon limit has been reached. Coupons will be mailed to the address provided within 8 weeks, no PO boxes permitted. Limit: one coupon per person/email address/household for the entire offer term. Tip must be an original work, in English, and no more than 200 words in length.
Thanks Mojosavings
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