Click on these coupon links to print these coupons as they will most certainly go on sale somewhere soon and when doubled you will get these for free. When I figure out when and where I'll post.
Click here for the 50c/1 coupon - (doubles to $1.00 at my stores) - wait for a sale
Click here for the 75c/1 coupon (doubles to $1.50 at Acme grocery store this week to make them free. I shall be picking up 4 on Friday morning before work. These freeze well so stock up guys. While I'm at Acme I'm going to pick up the puffs tissue and use my Vocal Point coupons. For those who are not familiar with Vocal Point - check out their website and sign up, you'll get sent new products and coupons to test and share with friends and family.
Click here for a 45c/1 coupon (doubles to $0.90 at my store) - wait for a sale. It does say do not double but will double (since the UPC code starts with a 5 - i it starts with a 9 it will not automatically double) unless your cashier is vigilant and pushes the button to say do not double - therefore find a young male cashier ; )

Click here for the $1/1 KC Masterpiece coupon (go through the sign up process and bonus you're also entering for a Keith Urban experience). These go on sale during grilling season for a dollar - so yes you've got it - it will be free.

Don't forget to Click on website to search for printable coupons before you go shopping.
Also click on ad bar above this post to find many other printable coupons. Directly print coupons straight to your computer - how easy is that - don't forget hit the refresh page to go print another set (2 per computer).
Other printable websites include and Happy Printing - if anyone needs paper for their printer check out this link here to pay a $1 after rebate for a ream of paper.
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